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Material Transfer Agreement Uab

Material Transfer Agreement Uab

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) is a legal contract that governs the transfer of tangible research materials between two parties, usually a provider and recipient. The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) is one of the premier research institutions that often enters into MTA with other organizations to facilitate research collaborations.

Importance of Material Transfer Agreement

MTAs are critical to the success of collaborative research projects because they establish the terms and conditions of material transfer. They outline the ownership rights, permitted uses, restrictions, and liability provisions of the transferred materials. Without an MTA, the provider may lose control over its intellectual property, and the recipient may misuse the materials or infringe on the provider`s rights.

The UAB Material Transfer Agreement Process

The UAB Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development (OVPRED) handles the negotiation and execution of MTAs on behalf of UAB. The process typically involves four steps:

1. Requesting an MTA: The provider and recipient must first agree to collaborate and determine the material to be transferred. The recipient then contacts the UAB OVPRED to initiate the MTA process.

2. Negotiating the MTA: The OVPRED will review the proposed MTA and negotiate any necessary changes to ensure that the terms are acceptable to UAB.

3. Executing the MTA: Once the parties have agreed on the terms, the OVPRED will sign the MTA on behalf of UAB, and the recipient will sign as well.

4. Facilitating the transfer of materials: The provider will then send the materials to the recipient, and the parties will comply with the MTA`s terms and conditions.


The Material Transfer Agreement is a necessary legal agreement that protects the interests of both the provider and recipient in collaborative research projects. As a research institution, UAB has a process in place to handle these agreements efficiently, making it easier for researchers to collaborate with one another. Researchers involved in collaborative research projects with UAB should familiarize themselves with the MTA process and ensure that they comply with the terms of the agreement.