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The Cooperation Agreement Wales

The Cooperation Agreement Wales

The Cooperation Agreement Wales: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses and Investors

The Cooperation Agreement Wales, also known as the Compact, is a partnership agreement between the Welsh Government, local government, and the third sector aimed at promoting sustainable development, social justice, and inclusion in Wales. The Compact provides a framework for collaboration, joint decision-making, and shared resources to achieve common goals and maximize the impact of public policies and services.

If you are a business owner or an investor interested in the potential of Wales, it’s essential to understand the Cooperation Agreement and its implications for your operations and strategies. In this article, we’ll cover the main aspects of the Compact and how they can benefit your business or investment in Wales.

Background and Objectives

The Cooperation Agreement Wales was established in 2001 as a response to the changing political and economic landscape of Wales, including devolution, European integration, and global competitiveness. The Compact aims to promote a more coordinated and integrated approach to public service delivery and policy-making, based on the shared values of sustainability, social justice, and inclusion.

The Compact has four main objectives:

1. To improve the quality of life and well-being of people in Wales, particularly those who are disadvantaged or excluded.

2. To promote sustainable development and environmental protection, including climate change mitigation and adaptation.

3. To enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of public services through collaboration, innovation, and shared learning.

4. To strengthen democratic governance and citizen participation, including the involvement of the third sector and the private sector.

Key Features of the Compact

The Cooperation Agreement Wales has several key features that make it unique and effective in promoting cooperation and partnership between different actors in Wales.

First, the Compact is a voluntary agreement, meaning that its signatories are committed to its principles and objectives but are not legally bound by it. This flexibility allows for a more creative and adaptive approach to collaboration, depending on the specific needs and circumstances of each partner.

Second, the Compact is inclusive and participatory, involving not only the Welsh Government and local government but also the third sector, which includes charities, community groups, and social enterprises. This partnership model recognizes the important role that civil society plays in promoting social innovation, community development, and citizen engagement.

Third, the Compact is outcome-focused, meaning that it aims to achieve specific and measurable results in areas such as health, education, environment, and economic development. This approach ensures that cooperation and partnership are not just symbolic gestures but concrete actions that have a positive impact on people’s lives and the environment.

Benefits for Businesses and Investors

The Cooperation Agreement Wales offers several benefits for businesses and investors who want to operate or invest in Wales.

First, the Compact promotes a stable and predictable policy environment, based on shared values and principles, which can give businesses and investors confidence in the long-term prospects of Wales.

Second, the Compact encourages innovation and collaboration in public service delivery, including in areas such as health and social care, transportation, and energy. This can create new opportunities for businesses to provide products and services that meet the needs of Welsh communities and contribute to sustainable development.

Third, the Compact supports a holistic and integrated approach to economic development, which takes into account the social and environmental dimensions of prosperity. This approach can attract socially responsible businesses and investors who value sustainability and community involvement.


The Cooperation Agreement Wales is an important partnership agreement that promotes cooperation and collaboration between different actors in Wales, based on shared values and principles. The Compact has several key features that make it unique and effective, including voluntary participation, inclusivity, and outcome-focused approach.

For businesses and investors, the Compact offers several benefits, including a stable policy environment, new opportunities for innovation and collaboration, and a holistic approach to sustainable economic development. Understanding the Cooperation Agreement Wales can help businesses and investors make informed decisions about their operations and investments in Wales and contribute to the well-being and prosperity of Welsh communities.