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Subject Verb Agreement Quiz for College

Subject Verb Agreement Quiz for College

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of grammar that is usually taught in college English classes. This essential concept ensures that the subject of a sentence agrees with the verb in terms of number and person. It ensures that the verb used in a sentence matches the subject that it is referring to. To test your knowledge in subject-verb agreement, here’s a quick quiz to help you out.

1. Identify the subject in each of the following sentences:

a. The cat and the dog ______ sleeping on the couch.

b. Nothing but good intentions _______ driving him forward.

c. One of the students ________ late for class.

d. Each of the participants ______ given a certificate of completion.

2. Choose the verb that agrees with the subject in each of the following sentences:

a. The band, along with their crew, (was, were) excited for the concert.

b. Either Jane or her siblings (is, are) going to the party.

c. My sister, as well as her friends, (was, were) interested in joining the dance club.

d. Not only the students but also their teachers (is, are) looking forward to the football tournament.

3. Choose the correct verb form to complete the following sentences:

a. The cake, together with the candles, (make, makes) a perfect birthday present.

b. Each of these pencils (needs, need) sharpening.

c. My favorite band (plays, play) their music loud.

d. The collection of classic books (is, are) worth a small fortune.


1. a. The cat and the dog ARE sleeping on the couch.

b. Nothing but good intentions IS driving him forward.

c. One of the students IS late for class.

d. Each of the participants HAS been given a certificate of completion.

2. a. The band, along with their crew, WAS excited for the concert.

b. Either Jane or her siblings ARE going to the party.

c. My sister, as well as her friends, WAS interested in joining the dance club.

d. Not only the students but also their teachers ARE looking forward to the football tournament.

3. a. The cake, together with the candles, MAKES a perfect birthday present.

b. Each of these pencils NEEDS sharpening.

c. My favorite band PLAYS their music loud.

d. The collection of classic books IS worth a small fortune.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of writing that can affect the clarity and coherence of your message. A proper understanding of this concept can enhance your writing, making it more effective and engaging for your readers. By taking this quiz, you can test your knowledge of subject-verb agreement and become more confident in applying it to college-level writing.